User-Friendly Native Mobile Apps Development in India
Mobile App has suddenly become a part of our lexicon and everyone is seen using it now a days. If we consider a family of 6 people at least 5 of them have their own mobile devices (mostly smart-phones) and they spend their time with different types of apps. In metro cities we see even the senior citizens engaged on Whatsapp, Face book app frequently.
There are different native apps available currently. Native apps simply mean that these apps can be downloaded from a particular market place of a particular operating system like Apple store or Android market/Google Playstore. Native app is limited to one type of operating system. These are specifically developed for one platform and can take full benefit of user’s phone features. Native apps work offline.
Here is an example of a native app: Locker Manager is an app for storing important documents and records. The documents could be scanned or you can just take a photo and store details of the ornaments, other important things.

There are many educational apps which engage the little ones creatively. In this era of digitization it is difficult to keep the children away from technology. What smart parents can do is use these apps to nurture their children’s creativity and personality.
Following would be an example of language learning app targeted at age group 3+ years.
You name a sector and we have a mobile app available in store ready for download. There are inventory management apps, stock keeping apps, online ordering apps, sales record apps and the list just goes on.
What’s so special about these native apps?
Well, most of the apps are free and of light file size, so easier to download. They don’t use web browsers so there is no issue of compatibility. Most importantly they are secure as they are offline. Unlike other web based apps run time data usage is zero making these apps very economical. Currently app market is flooded with new ideas, new concepts and there are capable app developers who can transform these concept into reality. So let us grab this opportunity and let the imagination flow. Even the Sky is not the limit to ones inventiveness.